Can You Reverse A Cavity?

Tooth cavities are a result of tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, and prolonged exposure to oral bacteria that produce acids. These acids attack the natural enamel of the tooth making space for bacteria to grow. If cavities are left untreated, they can affect the entire tooth, including the root. 

When not treated on time, they lead to dental complications where the root canals need to be cleaned and filled, or a tooth needs to be replaced, making it more difficult to treat, compared to early intervention.

Can Cavities Be Reversed?

The simple answer is “no.” But what is possible is to stop the cavity from developing. Interestingly enough, a dental filling isn't always necessary to stop this process. 

How can that be possible? 

For starters, proper oral hygiene is an essential part of the “reversing” process as it can help the teeth restore their minerals and stop the decay. Then, fluoride treatments can also help strengthen the tooth enamel. 

As mentioned before, while reversing cavities per se is not possible, you can prevent the tooth from further decaying with these two simple measures. If the damage is already too severe, then the dentist will have to clean the decay and give you a clean slate to start with. 

How to Prevent Cavities from Forming?

Brushing your teeth at least two times every day can help protect your teeth from cavities, but it's not the only tool you have in your arsenal. Here's what you need to know to keep good oral health:

  • Beware of how much sugar and starchy foods you eat. Bacteria feed on sugar and this will only provide them with the right environment to grow and develop, triggering the process of decalcification and demineralization of the tooth
  • Use fluoride products, such as fluoride toothpaste or water to strengthen the enamel. There are also gels, mouthwash, and other products your dentist can recommend. 
  • Learn about phytic acid and the effects it has on your teeth. This chemical can hurt teeth enamel, reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium and other nutrients your body needs. If you lack certain vitamins and minerals, your teeth are not able to remineralize properly and this can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Keep in mind that you should be aware of the quantity of phytic acid in your diet, and not eliminate it. 
  • Visit your dentist often as they can spot the early signs of tooth decay. For example, white spots on your teeth are a result of acid attack and demineralization and your dentist can recommend the necessary measures to stop this process. 

We Can Help You Maintain Your Oral Health in CO Springs

Unfortunately, you cannot reverse a cavity, but it's in your power to stop the process and ensure great oral health. 

We here at Alliance Family Dentistry can help you too in your fight against cavities. We can help you treat them, prevent them, and get a beautiful and healthy smile. Get in touch with us now to book your appointment in Colorado Springs.